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李德铢,男,196311月生,中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员、中国西南野生生物种质资源库主任,博士生导师。19837月在江西农业大学获学士学位,19868月在西南林学院获硕士学位,19903月在中科院昆明植物研究所获博士学位。199311月至199411月,在英国爱丁堡皇家植物园做博士后研究,199411月至199611月在英国剑桥大学做博士后研究。1997获国家杰出青年科学基金资助。曾任第十九届国际植物学大会植物分类、系统发育与进化学术组组长和命名法分会副主席,Proceeding of the Royal Society B副主编。现任国际生物多样性计划中国国家委员会(CNC-DIVERSITAS)科学委员会委员、国际植物分类学会理事会成员、国际生命条形码计划(iBOL)科学指导委员会植物工作组共同主席、林奈学会会员,以及BMC Ecology and EvolutionPhytoKeys副主编、《国际藻类、菌物和植物命名法规》(深圳法规)和Plant Communications、Journal of Systematics and EvolutionKew Bulletin、Plant Diversity等期刊编委。发表学术论文460余篇,包括在Nature PlantsPNAS、Molecular PlantPlant Cell、Genome BiologyMolecular Biology and EvolutionSystematic Biology等重要刊物的高影响力学术论文;主编专著4部,合作编著20部。2016-2020年连续5年位列爱思唯尔发布的中国高被引学者榜单,2020年入选科睿唯安全球高被引科学家。已培养博士后、博士和硕士70余名,其中有10余名学术带头人活跃在植物学相关研究领域。



参加《中国植物志》第9卷和总论卷编撰,完成《云南植物志》和Flora of China竹亚科的编研。澄清大量有争议属种的分类和命名问题,建立中国竹亚科34534种的新体系,被国际植物学工具书Plant-Book多处引用;发表贡山竹属、纪如竹属等4个新属和72个竹类新种、新等级或新组合。










围绕国家植物资源?;ず屠?span style="color: black">用的重大需求,践行吴征镒院士提出的动议,领导建成亚洲最大、国际一流的野生生物种质资源库并创建了集种子、离体材料和DNA库于一体的种质资源保藏体系,实现中国万种野生植物种子标准化采集和保存。论证了建立生物种质资源库的科学和经济问题,提出生物多样性热点地区植物迁地?;げ呗浴?/span>


Prof. De-Zhu Li, Principal investigator of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and head of the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species. Prof. Li received his PhD degree in plant systematics and evolution from Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, China in 1990 then joined the Kunming Institute of Botany. He was a Ferguson Fellow of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK from November 1993 to November 1994. He served as Taxonomist at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, UK from November 1994 to November 1996. He became a full research professor of Kunming Institute of Botany in December 1996 and was supported by the “National Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars” in 1997. He received “the 6th Youth Science and Technology Award of China” in 1998. He  was awarded an OBE of the UK in 2010.

He was an executive member of the Scientific Committee and head of the scheme Taxonomy, Phylogenetics and Evolution, and Vice President of the Nomenclature Section of the 19th International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China in 2017. He was an associate editor of Proceeding of the Royal Society B, Biological Science. He is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of CNC-DIVERSITAS, a council member of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT), the co-chair of the Plant Working Group of the Scientific Steering Committee of the International Barcoding of Life (iBOL), and a fellow of the Linnaean Society. He is currently associate editors of BMC Ecology and Evolution and PhytoKeys, members of the Editorial Board of International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code), Plant Communications, Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Kew Bulletin, and Plant Diversity.

Prof. Li has authored 460 research papers in academic journals, including Nature Plants, PNAS, Molecular Plant, Plant cell, Genome Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, and Systematic Biology. He edited four major monographs, including the Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants (three volumes), and the bamboo accounts of the Flora of China (vol. 22), and the Chinese translation of Plant Systematics, a Phylogenetic Approach (third edition, by Judd et al.). From 2016 to 2020, he consecutively listed as Elsevier’s Chinese Highly-Cited Researcher in the field of Agriculture and Biological Sciences. In 2020, he was included as Clarivate’s Highly-Cited Researcher in the field of Cross-Field. Prof. Li has trained more than 70 postdocs, PhDs and masters, among which more than 10 academic leaders are currently active in botany and related research fields.

Prof. Li has been engaged in the research of plant taxonomy and phylogeny for over three decades. He is a world authority in taxonomy of bamboos (particularly those of the Old World), a renowned scientist in plant phylogeny and evolutionary history, and has made important contributions to the advancement of plant taxonomy and evolution in China, to the promotion of international academic status of botany in China, as well as to the conservation of China’s national strategic germplasm resources.

1. Engaged in plant taxonomic research for over three decades, particularly on the bamboos.

Prof. Li was an author of vol.9 of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in his early career, and became the lead author of the bamboo accounts for the Flora Yunnanica and Flora of China. He clarified the taxonomic and nomenclatural issues of a large number of controversial species, and recorded 534 species of 34 genera of bamboos in China. The bamboo accounts for the Flora of China is a monumental work for the study of bamboos of the Old World and it has been widely adopted by international databases, such as IPNI and World Flora Online, and Mabberley’s Plant-Book. He and co-authors published four new bamboo genera, i.e., Gaoligongshania, Hsuehochloa, Ravenochloa, and Laobambos, as well as 72 new species or nomenclatural novelties for bamboos. 

2. Promoted a new standard for plant DNA barcoding

He initiated the Chinese Plant DNA barcoding Research Project, proposed the nuclear ribosomal ITS as part of the core barcode for plants, and applied it to plant taxonomy practice. It was well-received and stated that “the study represents an important step towards incorporating DNA sequences into the classification and identification of plant species" by peers. Professor Li’s team created a fast and versatile toolkit GetOrganelle for accurate and de novo assembly of organelle genomes from the whole genome sequencing data, which is widely adopted and highly cited. 

3. Established the research framework of the next generation Flora, iFlora

Prof. Li and colleagues proposed the research framework of the next generation Flora to integrate essential floristic elements, DNA barcoding data, and information technology. A pilot DNA barcoding data platform of 18,000 plant species in China is to be established by the end of 2021. By integrating the latest achievements of taxonomy, molecular systematics, and barcode of life, he was the lead author for A Dictionary of the Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plant and The Families and Genera of Chinese Vascular Plants, which together made a major step towards the next generation Flora. 

4. Pioneered molecular plant biogeography research in China

He has promoted the application of molecular biology techniques and omics data in plant phylogeny and biogeography, and studied the phylogeny and modern geographical patterns of representative taxa of East Asian plants, such as Bambusoideae, Theaceae, Ericaceae, Urticaceae, and Taxaceae. Using Urticaceae as a model system, it was revealed that oceanic long-distance dispersal played an important role in shaping the intercontinental geographical distributions of inland plants, and provided empirical evidence for Darwin’s transoceanic dispersal hypothesis. By looking at the phylogenomics and temporal history of Theaceae, the historical assembly and driving forces of east Asian subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests since the early Miocene were inferred. 

5. Enhanced the development of plant phylogenomics 

Prof. Li led a team adopting the whole plastome data to infer the complex phylogenetic relationships of temperate bamboos. The team revealed the history of allopolyploidy and the genetic mechanism of unique traits by sequencing the whole genome of a diploid herbaceous bamboo and a hexaploid woody bamboo. Through international collaboration across major continents - Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, he led a group in reconstructing angiosperm phylogeny based on 80 genes from 2881 plastid genomes representing 85% of extant families and all orders. The study analyzed the early diversification patterns of angiosperms, elucidated the evolutionary relationships of major backbone clades, and solved a large number of phylogenetic uncertainties at the familial level.

6. Founded the largest germplasm bank of wild species in Asia, and proposed conservation strategies of plant diversity 

To meet the demands of the conservation and utilization of plant diversity, as proposed by Academician Zhengyi Wu, Prof. Li led to establish the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species (GBOWS), which is the largest in Asia, comprising a seed bank, a micropropagation unit, a DNA bank, a microbial bank, and an animal germplasm bank. By 2020, the GBOWS preserved ten thousand species of wild plants from China which directly contributed to China’s implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. He proposed strategies of ex situ plant conservation in biodiversity hotspots, particularly the Himalayas and the Mountains of Southwest China.


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