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   “七七事变”后,抗战爆发,华北危局频现;吴征镒参加步行团从长沙西迁到昆明,三校举西南联大旗帜,在昆明开始了八年抗战的蹉跎岁月。国事维艰,在从大西北,沿长江西上华中,经湘、黔至滇一路的植物感受,吴征镒心中萌发了要弄清楚植物时空发展和中国植物区系演变规律的梦想,立下终生志向:立足云南,放眼中国和世界植物的宏图大愿。1938年10~12月,在李继侗先生带领下,赴滇西瑞丽考察,首次目睹了热带、亚热带植物及群落的丰富多彩,写下《瑞丽地区植被的初步研究(附植物采集名录)》,这是他的第一篇论文。1940年6月,考取北大生物系张景钺主任的研究生。1942年在恩师吴韫珍先生病逝后,他毅然放弃研究生学业,承担其植物分类学教学任务,并着手整理吴韫珍先生从奥地利学者韩马迪(H. Handel-Mazzetti)处手抄的《中国植物名录》以及秦仁昌先生从英国皇家植物园、奥地利维也纳自然博物馆和瑞典乌普萨拉标本室拍摄的模式标本照片,补充文献、记录小环境和地理考察记载,意在汇编“中国植物名汇”,此事持续十载,制作卡片三万余张。借此,吴征镒熟记中国植物名称、生境、在群落中的位置及采集家等,多达到了如指掌的地步。这批卡片后来成为编纂《中国高等植物图鉴》和《中国植物志》的重要参考。此间,吴征镒还受中国医药研究所委托,整理明兰茂《滇南本草》,与经利彬、匡可任、蔡德惠先生合作编著完成《滇南本草图谱》第一集。该书为中国植物现代考据学的滥觞之作。



   吴征镒认为研究资源和植被研究必须首先过区系关。他从《云南植物名录》1958(油印本)起步,主持编纂《云南植物志》,承?!吨泄参镏尽芬恍┐罂频谋嘌小?977年《中国植物志》唇形科(第65卷2分册、66卷)出版,1984年,《云南种子植物名录》出版。吴征镒在1959年任《中国植物志》编委,1973年任副主编,1987年任主编,在主编任上,《中国植物志》共出版54卷82册,约占全志的2/3。至2004年,《中国植物志》80卷126册全部出版。1988年起吴征镒不顾年高,担任中美合作编著的《中国植物志》英文修订版(即《Flora of China》)主编,对每卷均写出详细的审查意见。预计2013年《Flora of China》全部出版,这是中国植物学走向世界的坚实一步?!吨泄参镏尽坊?009年度国家自然科学一等奖。

   《云南植物志》从1973年起步,至2006年全部出版,历时34年,共21卷(增索引一卷),是我国体量最大的地区植物志,吴征镒一直为该志主编。《云南植物志》获2010年度云南省自然科学特等奖。其间,吴征镒还主编了《西藏植物志》(五卷),并于1987年全部出版。至此他担任主编的《中国植物志》《中国植被》《西藏植物志》和《云南植物志》四部巨著终告完成,《Flora of China》的种子植物部分也已完成。这些专著为开展我国生物多样性、?;ど镅?、恢复生态学、植物资源开发利用以及系统与进化植物学等领域的研究奠定了坚实基础,在国际植物分类学等研究领域中产生了巨大影响。




    1975~1976年,吴征镒两次进藏考察,从滇入藏,过三江峡谷,南至 亚东、樟木,经青藏路返回,从而对西藏高原全貌有了实际感触。西藏归来,吴征镒到青岛疗养,期间他作了西藏植物名录,着手编纂《西藏植物志》,动作迅速,成效显著。在1980年5月的北京青藏高原科学讨论会上,吴征镒以“西藏植物区系的起源及其演化”为题作了发言,阐述了西藏植物区系的性质和特征。1986年,“青藏高原隆起及其对自然环境与人类活动影响的综合研究”项目获中国科学院科技进步奖特等奖,1988年获国家自然科学一等奖,吴征镒为获奖人之一。

















  In Memory of Wu Zheng-Yi ( Wu Cheng-Yih) ( 1916-2013) 



    Wu Zheng-Yi (吴征镒 or Wu Cheng-Yih in Wade-Giles) passed away on June 20, 2013 in Kunming, Yunnan Province following an illness. He was Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) , Professor and Director Emeritus of CAS Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) . Prof. Wu was born in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province on June 13, 1916. He grew up in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province and received his BA in Biology from Tsinghua University in Beiping (now Beijing) in 1937. 

  As a leading and world-famous botanist of China, Prof. Wu was most prestigious for his study in plant taxonomy, floristic geography and biodiversity conservation. Through the course of his scientific career, which spanned over 70 years, he made outstanding contributions in transplanting botany into China and internationalizing Chinese botany in the botanical domain of the world. With tremendous fundamental work, he clarified much of the taxonomic confusion of Chinese seed plants as well as their distribution. He also did remarkable work on the effective conservation of plant diversity and sustainable utilization of plant resources in China and other areas of eastern and southeastern Asia. 

    Plant taxonomy is fundamental for botanical study because correct identification and naming is necessary prior to any further research. Though Chinese people have had a long history of utilizing plants, modern taxonomic study was not introduced to China until the publication of Botany by Li Shan-Lan and A. Williamson in 1858, a work translated from the Elements of Botany written by J. Lindley. As China was driven into a series of wars after the middle of the 19th century, many species in China were collected and named by Westerners during that time, with their type specimens being preserved in many foreign herbaria. Prof. Wu succeeded in the entrance examination for graduate study in Peking University under the supervision of the Director Zhang Jing-Yue (张景钺) in June 1940. However, after the death of his teacher Wu Yun-Zhen (吴韫珍Wu Wen-Chen,) Wu decided to give up his graduate study and started to sort and classify the catalog of Chinese plant species hand-copied by Wu Yun-Zhen (Wu Wen-Chen) from H. Handel-Mazzetti and photographs of type specimens taken by Qin Ren-Chang (秦仁昌 Ching Ren-Chang) from several European herbaria. He made a card for each species to which he added extra information of literature, habitat and distribution. Wu kept on doing this work for more than ten years and accumulated more than 30 000 cards. These cards, which are now stored in the library of Herbarium of Kunming Institute of Botany ( KUN) , played a useful part in the compilation and publication of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae ( FRPS) , Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, and more. The process of making the cards also made Wu more familiar with plant collectors and researchers, as well as the distribution and ecological niches of each species. Such work laid laying an important foundation for his future study on phytogeography. 

    Without a complete record of the national flora of China, nobody knew how many species there were in the country. As early as the 1930s, Chinese botanists (particularly Hu Xian-Su 胡先骕, better known as H. H. Hu) had been preparing and working hard for the compilation of a national flora, but it was impossible to carry out under the unstable situation at that time. It was not until the founding of the People’ s Republic of China that the compilation of FRPS was again considered, and the project was eventually initiated in 1958. Wu became the fourth editor-in-chief of the Editorial Committee of FRPS in 1987, and 82 books of 54 volumes were published under his editorship. With the collaboration of 312 botanists in three generations and 164 art-ists who made 9081 line illustrations, the magnum opus, containing 126 books of 80 volumes in total, was finally completed in 2004 and recorded 31,180 species from China, making it the largest flora in the world. The work established a ‘residence booklet’ for every plant species in China, including their scientific names, morphological characters, distribution, uses and, so on, and thus greatly contributed to the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of plant resources in our country. It won the first prize of the 2009 National Natural Science Award of China, which had been vacant for years. During the compilation of FRPS, Wu also chief-edited another two great works: Flora Yunnanica and Flora Xizangica. The former is the largest provincial flora and won the grand prize of the 2010 Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Award. 

    Because the FRPS was written in Chinese, and was not readily accessible to the non-Chinese speaking countries, an English updated version of the FRPS, Flora of China (FOC), was needed. It was in 1988 that the FOC project was officially commenced, with Wu and Peter H. Raven being the co-chairs of the joint editorial committee. This project provided precious opportunities for collaboration among Chinese and non-Chinese botanists and was an important step for introducing the Chinese flora to the world. By today, 22 of the 25 volumes (except vols. 1-3) have been published. 

    The origin and evolutionary history of flowering plants have long been ambiguous and controversial, and no classification system could provide fully satisfying answers to the questions so far. Many taxonomists have proposed their own classification systems with several of them dominating in various periods, such as the sys-tems of Engler and Prantl, Hutchinson, Takhatajan, Cronquist, etc. Although none of them can fully reflect the evolutionary history of plants, some have proven to be reasonable and useful to a certain degree. In 1998, Prof. Wu and his students and colleagues proposed a new classification system of angiosperms, the “polyphy-letic-polychronic-polytopic” system (i.e., the eight-class system ) . Unlike other classification systems that were based only on morphological similarity between groups or evidence from cladistic analysis of molecular data, the eight-class system was derived from morphological and molecular data with special reference to data of modern geographical distributions. In this new system, the Magnoliophyta were divided into 8 classes, 40 sub-classes, 202 orders and 572 families. Among them, 22 new subclasses ( Annonidae, Illiciidae, Ceratophylli-dae, Lauridae, Calycanthidae, Chloranthidae, Aristolochiidae, Polygonidae, Plumbaginidae, Bromeliidae, Zingiberidae, Juncidae, Poaidae, Paeoniidae, Papaveridae, Trochodendridae, Betulidae, Malvidae, Ericidae, Myrtidae, Rutidae, and Geraniidae ) and 6 new orders ( Degeneriales, Aizoales, Platanales, Dipent-odontales, Meliosmales, and Balanitales) were circumscribed. As the majority of early angiosperms were extinct, the system gave a general scheme of classification of eight lineages of angiosperms, which provided an-other practical and effective way for understanding modern plants. 

    Wu was also prestigious for his study in phytogeography. Being familiar with the composition, characteristics, floristic divisions and affinities of the flora of China, he developed a set of analytic approaches in phytogeography that had been widely used in China and elsewhere. From the 1990s to 2000s, he and his students published a series of papers and books on the phytogeography of China, such as The Families and Genera of Angiosperms in China: a Comprehensive Analysis, The Area-Types of Seed Plants and Their Origin and Differen-tiation, and Floristics Geography of Seed Plants from China. Based on an analysis of the distribution patterns of ca. 3 000 genera of seed plants in China, Wu established a scheme of classification of area-types for these genera, in which 15 types and 31 subtypes were recognized. This scheme has been widely used in analyzing the national and regional floras of China at various levels and is helpful in understanding biogeographic issues, 

  such as endemism, vicarism and disjunctive distributions. As floristic data accumulated with the completion of FRPS and progress of FOC, the scheme was modified and enlarged to include area-types of families of seed plants of the world, in which 18 types were recognized. 

    Apart from basic theoretical studies, Prof. Wu was also concerned with the economic development of Chi-na and kept pace with the international trends of botanical research. He took part in or was in charge of several projects of plant resources investigation. In the 1950s, he along with other scientists developer the key techniques to plant the rubber tree in southern China. In the 1970s, he and other researchers carried out a thor-ough survey on medicinal plants in China. Wu also gave advice to governments for rational utilization, introduction and domestication of natural plant resources. With the development of the economy, population explo-sion, and environmental destruction of China, biodiversity has been decreasing rapidly, and the demand for biological energy keeps increasing sharply. Considering this situation, Wu wrote to the then Premier Zhu Rong-Ji in 1999, proposing to establish a germplasm bank of wild species in southwest China. The suggestion was soon approved by the government, and the germplasm bank was finally constructed and operated in 2007 in Kunming. 

    Wu spent much of his time travelling around the country to investigate the plant species and vegetation of various types in China. Between 1975-1976, he made two field trips to Xizang ( Tibet) when he was nearly 60 years old. From the 1980s to 1990s, he investigated the flora of north China, as well as the desert and grassland in Xinjiang; he also travelled to several mountains in south China and finally finished his field observations of the Chinese plants in 1998 after he came back from Taiwan. He had also been to many foreign countries on five out of the seven continents ( except Africa and Antarctica) during 1979-1996. The visits not only enlarged his perspective on the study of worldwide flora, but also made domestic botanical research known to the world. “Vegetation of China,” for which he was as the editor-in-chief, won the second prize of the 1987 National Natural Science Award of China and is still treated as an important subject matter of botany, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry. 

    To identify plant specimens, Wu spent years of lonely work in herbaria. His passion and responsibility never faded, even when he was forced to work as a boiler fireman during the “Cultural Revolution” . He instructed his students patiently and tirelessly, and he won the highest esteem from the botanical community of China. Because he was familiar with almost half of the species in China, Prof. Wu was called the ‘ living dictionary’ of Chinese plants. During Wu’s whole life, he himself named 1 766 new taxa. Being the person who named the most of seed plant taxa among Chinese botanists, Wu changed the history that Chinese plant species were long named by foreigners. Wu won 2007 China’s State Supreme Science and Technology Award because of his outstanding contributions to the research of Botany. 

    Wu devoted all of his life to botanical research in China. Peter Raven, a world-famous botanist and for-eign academician of the CAS and Director Emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden, said ‘Wu did very solid fundamental, pioneering and farsighted work for Chinese botanical research. ‘Wu worked rigorously but lived a plain and simple life. His passing is a great loss to the botanical community of China and the whole world. While we have lost a master in science and a giant in botany, Prof. Wu Zheng-Yi will remain our reverent director, esteemed supervisor and beloved mentor forever. 


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